Ten plus two students Exam result withheld

Tanur: The results of 10 children who wrote their answers in the Plus Two Maths exam in Govt. Devdhar Higher Secondary School have been temporarily withheld. The question paper of maths exam of 80 marks in the old scheme was given to the school going children with a total of 60 marks.The mistake was realized by the children and the invigilator towards the end of the exam. Some children had already left the hall. They were called and taken to a room with the class members and were given the question paper of the previous exam of 60 marks and re-examined.

Initially, the question packet was opened in front of the children. There were 20 first year students and 10 second year students in the class. The examination process was completed late and the answer sheets were sent to the camps in the evening. In the old scheme, only one child had to write the exam A total of 326 students wrote the exam in the school-going category.. The correct information was recorded in the question packet, but it was mistakenly opened. Following this, the examination results of the children were temporarily withheld as part of the ongoing departmental investigation. On Monday, higher secondary officials will hold a hearing with the students whose results have been withheld.The question paper was changed till the last minute because there was only a slight change in the syllabus What was not clear.

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