Is Amoebic meningoencephalitisDangerous?

Amoebic meningoencephalitis is a very rare disease affecting one in ten thousand. So don’t worry. The disease occurs when Naegleria fowleri, a type of amoeba, infects the brain. This disease is not transmitted from human to human. The amoeba that lives in stagnant water enters the human body through the thin skin of the nose and causes encephalitis, which seriously affects the brain. Free-living amoebas are generally found in stagnant water bodies. Amoeba bacteria enter the human body through the thin skin of the nose by bathing in drains or pools and can seriously affect the brain and cause encephalitis.
Disease symptoms

Symptoms appear within one to nine days of infection. The primary symptoms are severe headache, fever, nausea, vomiting and difficulty turning the neck. Later, when it reaches a critical condition, there are symptoms like epilepsy, loss of consciousness and memory loss. Diagnosis is made by taking fluid from the spinal cord and testing it.

Preventive measures

Amoeba enters the body through bathing in stagnant or unclean water, or through nasal irrigation. So avoid getting sick by not bathing in stagnant water or drains and not pouring water into your nose. Do not ignore symptoms and see a doctor as soon as possible. As it is school holidays, it is common for children to go to the swimming pool and play in the water. So special attention should be paid in this regard. There is no problem with children swimming in properly chlorinated swimming pools.

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