The strong rooms will be opened when the counting of votes begins. The strong room will be opened in the presence of the Returning Officer, Assistant Returning Officer, candidates or their election agents and Election Commission observers. After recording the entry in the log book, the lock will be opened with video coverage.
The first would be electronically transmitted postal ballots and postal ballots. Count it on the desk of the Returning Officer. The counting of votes in the voting machines will begin in the next half hour.
The control unit of the voting machine is used for counting the votes. Place the Form 17C with the number of votes polled and the respective control unit on the counting table. After delivering the control unit to the counting table, the counting supervisor will check the voting machine in the presence of the counting agents and after making sure that there is no damage, the seal will be broken. Then, under the supervision of the agents, the supervisor presses his finger on the result button on each machine and records the vote received by each candidate after showing the display to the agents. In each round, after all the voting machines have been counted, the Election Commission’s observer will take any two machines from it and ensure that the count recorded in them is correct. After that, the tabulation of that round will be done and the result of that round will be declared and recorded by the returning officer. At the end of each phase, the returning officer will take away the counted voting machines and instruct them to bring the voting machines to start the next phase.
Verification of VVPAT slips will be done only after the counting of votes in the voting machines of all rounds is completed. VVPAT slips will be counted at any five randomly selected polling stations in all assembly constituencies. It takes at least an hour to count the slips in a VVPAT machine. The final verdict will be announced after this. Counting day will be Wednesday.